Since 1952

we operate in the rice sector and 2008 we have undertaken a new challenge aimed at the market of food intolerances, a dedicated production factory has been created for gluten-free, allergen-free and organic baked goods (piadinas, pizza bases and wraps-tortillas).

The mission of the company is focused on the creation of healthy products with high nutritional value and an allergen- free ingredients list, achieved thanks to a conscious selection of raw materials and suppliers.

Our primary objective is to deliver quality foods with a focus on consumers’ health … “wellness at the table”.


thanks to the experience shared with our customers over the past years, and strong of the new expansion, which includes a second production line with cooling system and packaging in a clean room, we have strengthened the belief and dedication to our mission and are able to face new challenges with important brands in both the Italian and international markets.


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Via dei Platani,630
26034 Piadena Drizzona
(Cremona) Italy

Tel. +39 0 375 380088